Can bail reform be both fair and effective? Join us as we sit down with Ken Good, a veteran Texas bail attorney and board member of the Professional Bondsman of Texas, who offers an unparalleled look into the complexities of modern bail issues. Ken takes us through his illustrious career, from law school competitions to becoming an expert in appellate work and bail reform. Discover the significant challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing efforts to ensure court attendance while safeguarding public safety.

Ever wondered how technological limitations affect justice? Ken sheds light on Texas’ central database system and its current capabilities in accessing data from other states. Through the heart-wrenching case of Caitlin Guajardo, we explore the dire consequences of inadequate bail practices in domestic violence cases, particularly in urban areas. Ken underscores the urgent need for reliable protection for victims and elaborates on the complexities faced by those in abusive relationships, especially when children are involved.

What role does political funding play in shaping crime policies? Our discussion ventures into the political landscape, examining how groups like those associated with George Soros influence district attorney elections and crime policies. With Harris County as a case study, Ken discusses the unintended rise in crime rates due to progressive policies. We also touch on the broader political ramifications, including the role of media in shaping public perception and the contentious nature of upcoming elections. Stay connected with the Leadership in Law podcast community for valuable insights and resources to help you grow your law firm.

Ken W. Good, a noted Texas bail attorney and a board member of the Professional Bondsmen of Texas, has worked closely with lawmakers and other individuals on bail matters. Bail reform advocates have long claimed that it is fundamentally unfair to incarcerate individuals charged with a crime simply because they lack the financial means to “buy” their freedom. Throughout the Greater Houston area, the state of Texas and the nation at large, reform efforts have gained momentum in recent years, despite increasing pushback from those equally concerned about public safety. Ken is well-versed in all arguments on the topic and is able to address all angles.

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